A Family of Salish & Kootenai Tribally Owned Businesses



Staying safe and well during the coronavirus pandemic

Chad Cottett CEO PhotoCoronavirus, Coronavirus, Coronavirus…

I honestly cannot remember hearing the term “Coronavirus” prior to January 2020 and I cannot imagine how many times I have heard it since. To think, just a few weeks ago ‘Social distancing’ was only something parents hoped was being enacted at school dances.

It is hard to believe that something as common and often overlooked as a virus can turn our lives upside down in a matter of a couple weeks, but it certainly has! I hope that you, your family, and those close to you are safe and well, and that you are following CDC and local health official’s directions.

Even in trying times like these, I look around and feel very blessed and encouraged as I see good people everywhere making sacrifices and serving others. It is the resilience of the people and the heart of this country that confirms my belief that we will come through the current pandemic better and stronger than when it started. It is always refreshing to see the good in people, especially when they are willing to pull together and sacrifice for the greater good (questionable toilet paper practices aside).

Without a doubt, the SKT team is made up of the best people I could ever hope to work with, and as your CEO, I want you to know that your health and safety is of the utmost importance to me and the rest of the SKT leadership team. We are committed to providing our team members with as safe of a work environment as possible, not only during this pandemic but each and every day while we continue our important mission of supporting our customers.

Stay positive, follow the recommendations, keep your head up and your hands washed, and I look forward to seeing you at a company picnic or other social gathering once we have overcome this obstacle in front of us.

Chad Cottett
CEO – S&K Technologies, Inc.

Knowledge of The Past. Vision for The Future.